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Narrow Dog fame


Introducing Terry & Monica Darlington & their two whippets Jim & Jess of “Narrow Dog” fame.

I guess by now everyone has read the two “Narrow Dog” books written by Terry Darlington. 

I have forgotten the first person who emailed me about these lovely books, “Narrow Dog to Carcasonne” & “Narrow Dog to Indian River”.  To be honest, although I have both books they have been tucked away til I retire!!!!!  Or break a leg whichever comes first!!!!!

I emailed Terry and received this charming reply.

Dear Rae,

Thank you for your letter - it is great to receive mail from so far away, and thank you for promoting my wretched books.

We have never been to the Antipodes but have watched a lot of films with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, not to mention Bryan Brown and Helen Morse, and I guess that's the same thing really.

The pics on your site were delightful.

I attach a piece of verse you can use in your letters or literature.

Yours in the whippet universe.

Tits Magee, Gulfstream Rose, Jim, Jess, Kilroy the fearless eft and Leroy the meanest armadillo in the whole damn town.  (Leroy the concrete figurehead - one of our very few posessions on the boat to survive the fire.  Yes, Jess will come with us on our long summer voyage next year.) 7 Oulton Road  STONE  ST15 8EB, tel 01785 814120 and mobile 07875 457840


My Grandad’s dog is very thin There’s no-where where he can’t get in

My Grandad’s dog has big soft ears I can’t believe how much he hears

My Grandad’s dog is smooth and so There’s nowhere for the fleas to go

My Grandad’s dog is very fast Before he gets here he’s gone past

My Grandad’s dog hates Grandad’s boat And shivers when he is afloat

My Grandad’s dog jumps out and then  Runs off to thieve from fishermen

My Grandad’s dog is known as Jim And we are very fond of him

My Grandad’s dog is warm to touch I think he loves me very much

Terry Darlington  (author of Narrow Dog to Carcassonne and Narrow Dog to Indian River)

Brynula Great Expectations (Jim) is sprung from a long line of dogs with ridiculous names.  Jim can run at forty miles an hour.  He is cowardly, thieving, and disrespectful, and hates boating.

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